Friday, February 1, 2008

Alli and My Diet

I have fought my weight for years. I am the human yo-yo! Dieting has always been an all-or-nothing deal with me. I either starved myself or I went way overboard and had a double Whopper with Cheese and a Large Onion Rings and a Chocolate Shake. There was no middle ground, which was my problem. Enter Alli.

Alli has gotten some bad press from people that complain about the treatment effects, but I never suffered from any at all, but then again, I followed the diet plan.

The diet plan is a major component of Alli's success. You can't just take the pill and go off on your own. That's a recipe for soiled pants and unhealthy eating habits.

When I signed up on, I entered my weight (which was painful) and my height and age and it gave me an 1800 calorie diet plan. It seemed like a high number of calories, but I was determined to do it right. I ate the right number of calories and fat at each meal, took my Alli on schedule, and low and behold, the weight started to come off. I've lost 25 pounds so far.

I don't take Alli at every meal now, just when I eat between 12-15 grams of fat. But I am staying on my diet and it doesn't feel like a diet. It feels like I'm eating right and being healthy for the first time. Isn't that what a diet plan should be about?

Ann Coulter for Hillary?

Proof that it must be getting cold in Hell- Uber-bitch Ann Coulter said that she would vote for Hillary Clinton if John McCain became the Republican presidential nominee. I know that conservatives hate McCain, but really- is Romney that much better? He has flip flopped on issues that are important to conservatives. I think he is "conservative" because it benefits him politically. I think the fact the McCain is the front runner shows that Republicans are waking up and taking their party back from the ideologues that have tried to take over the party.

I'm still as Democratic as they come, but I don't guess I would move to Canada if McCain was elected.